Social Style products are designed for three different audiences, Managers, Sales People and an all encompassing group termed the Universal Audience. Here we will be looking at Social Style training courses that have been designed to focus on each of these areas.
The Introduction to SOCIAL STYLE course covers all the key concepts of SOCIAL STYLE in a facilitator-led, half-day class. This “class-in-a-box” covers both SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility and includes video, interactive exercises and facilitated discussion. The Participant Guide provides a thorough overview of SOCIAL STYLE concepts and applications.The class instructor leads participants through a series of exercises, video vignettes and facilitated discussion to develop an understanding of how to achieve better relationships, thus increasing workplace productivity. It can be taught with a self-assessment or multi-rater profile. Certification is also required when using a multi-rater Profile.
Social Style Introduction Course Outline pdf
This course provides the fundamentals included in the Introduction to SOCIAL STYLE course and then delves deeper into working relationships and the factors that contribute to productivity, morale and effective communication. Participants will leave the training not only knowing how others see their behaviour and how to identify the SOCIAL STYLE of others, but also with concrete tools to modify their own behaviours to create more positive and productive relationships.Facilitating this course requires certification. You may choose to certify your own staff or use TRACOM’s certified instructors to deliver convenient and effective on-site training.
UMBDE Course Outline pdf
Producing Results With Others is TRACOM’s most thorough and interactive program for a universal audience. During the first day, participants learn the fundamentals of SOCIAL STYLE, as well as work through exercises and techniques to properly apply the SOCIAL STYLE Model™ to workplace situations. The first day focuses on knowing yourself, controlling yourself, knowing others and doing something for others. The second day of this course concentrates on the Versatility component of workplace interactions. Participants learn their Versatility scores and the various behaviours that make up each of the four components of the score. Armed with the conceptual knowledge, the course works through how to increase Versatility, which has been proven to be an important factor in workplace success. Facilitating this course requires certification. You may choose to certify your own staff or use TRACOM’s certified instructors to deliver convenient and effective on-site training.
PRO Two Day Course Outline pdf
The Producing Results with Others™ OnDemand+ course is the most comprehensive SOCIAL STYLE® and Versatility course, combining both eLearning and a full-day, facilitated session. Participants complete an online multi-rater SOCIAL STYLE and Versatility assessment and complete a 2-3 hour eLearning session in advance of class. The facilitator-led one-day session emphasises putting Style and Versatility skills to use in a variety of workplace settings and situations. The majority of the full-day course consists of role-playing exercises and application scenarios to master these skills. The combination of the online eLearning and one-day course provides learners with a highly personalised and satisfying experience. Facilitating this course requires certification.
PRO eLearning Course Outline pdf
Multi Rater products can only be used by TRACOM certified trainers and are designed to take a more holistic 360 view of other peoples observation of your Social Style and Versatility in addition to your self perception. There are also a range of Social Style training programmes that certified trainers can deliver with a focus on productive relationships and producing results. If you are interested in having a training programme delivered in your organisation, want information on how to become certified or more detail on Multi Rater profiles, please contact us now or follow the links below;
Training Programmes – Certification – Multi Rater Profiles