Over 50 years of research by the TRACOM group has revealed that people operate with four distinct ways of interaction, or SOCIAL STYLES. A brief explanation of each style is detailed by following the links below or there is more detail if you view the Social Style Video;
Amiables are people-oriented, and care more about close relationships than results or influence. They usually appear warm, friendly and cooperative. Amiables tend to move slowly with a low time discipline, minimising risk and often using personal opinions to arrive at decisions. Belonging to a group is a primary need, and Amiables may make every effort to gain acceptance. They typically seek to uncover common ground, preferring to achieve objectives through understanding and mutual respect rather than force and authority. When managed by force without relationship, Amiables appear to cooperate initially but will likely lack commitment to the objectives and may later resist implementation.
Nearly 50 years of research by the TRACOM group has revealed that people operate with four distinct ways of interaction, or SOCIAL STYLES. A brief explanation of each style is detailed by following the links on the right or there is more detail if you view the Social Style Video;
The other important element to consider when looking at Social Style is Versatility. For More details on Versatility follow the link below or there is more detail if you view the Versatility Video
The Four Social Styles